Home Armed Citizens Twelve Year Old Kills Intruder, Protects Mom

Twelve Year Old Kills Intruder, Protects Mom

by Galt Freeman

On July 2nd a 12 year old boy in Louisiana shot an intruder with a hunting rifle after the man broke into his house and threatened his mother. This piece of garbage was accompanied by two other scum bags that were later arrested and charged with a variety of crimes; including second degree murder, aggravated burglary, and aggravated kidnapping.

Apparently this guy was armed with a pistol and confronted the boy’s mother outside the home, and then proceeded inside. At some point there was a physical struggle between the mother and the intruder, and the boy shot him.

What nobody has reported on, at least that I have been able to find, is the criminal record (if any) of these idiots before this incident. As is often the case with every major news organization (including you FOX) they print an initial story with whatever few details they have and then move on. Rarely do we see an in depth story on anything unless it goes viral on social media first. I would really like to see more details on what these people had been up to before this incident.

In any case, kudos to this 12 year old for stepping up to the plate and ridding society of a piece of trash. This happens far more often than it gets reported so its nice to see the good guys getting a bit of press.

Someone, buy this kid another box of ammo.

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