Just wtf is with these idiots that get elected and suddenly think the laws the rest of us follow do not apply to them? I created this site because the liberal Democrats of the world so often literally make me shake my head in wonder. But once in a while there is an idiot Republican that does the same thing. This is one of those times.
“If you want me to call the Attorney General —”
Jason Ellsworth
Montana Senator Jason Ellsworth was stopped by the Montana Highway Patrol for driving 88 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. Instead of manning up to his mistake and accepting a speeding ticket like the rest of us would do he instead tried to browbeat the officer that pulled him over. Claiming he was on his way to a legislative session that started 10 hours later, he even went so far as to pull up a copy of the Montana Constitution on his phone to use as leverage and when that failed threatened to call the Attorney General who oversees the Montana State Patrol.
“The Senator’s behavior was inappropriate. The trooper’s handling of the situation is a testament to the professionalism of the Montana Highway Patrol.”
The officer remained cool and professional about the entire situation. She asked him six times to return to his car while she did her job. Maybe what she should have done was to tell this idiot to get some bail money from the AG, and then slap some cuffs on him. Apparently this isn’t his first rodeo with this kind of situation. He was also stopped on Jan 25th, 2021; presumably for speeding, and claimed he was on his way to a meeting with the governor. He was let go that time without a ticket.
He should have been charged with Felonious Power Tripping and Attempted Name Dropping.
Galt freeman
He has been charged with Reckless Driving and Obstructing a Peace Officer which carries a maximum penalty of a $500 fine and 6 months in jail. He should have been charged with Felonious Power Tripping and Attempted Name Dropping. I hope the judge in his case fines him the $500, and then instead of 6 months jail time gives him 1000 hours of Community Service where he spends his time in an orange jump suit cleaning up toilets and graffiti in the Montana rest areas, and we all get to see pictures of it.
Sometimes you just gotta ask… wtf?