Home Defend the Police Hero Cop Saves People in Burning Building

Hero Cop Saves People in Burning Building

by Galt Freeman

Mark Conklin. That’s Officer Mark Conklin to you ACAB idiots. Officer Conklin of Jamestown, New York was already on a call, when he was notified of a burning building nearby. Officer Conklin immediately proceeded to that building which was almost completely engulfed in flames. Body cam footage shows Officer Conklin directing people to jump, promising he will catch them.

“After watching the video of this incident and speaking to others involved, I can say that the actions of Officer Conklin were, to say the least, one of the most outstanding examples of bravery, heroism, and exemplary service I have seen.”

Police Chief Tim Jackson

Multiple people jumped, and were caught before the fire department even arrived. He saved these peoples lives by being there to cushion the blow of a multiple story fall, at severe risk to himself. All of the “defund the police” morons out there should remember this. And remember also that most (99% or more) of all police actions with the public are handled properly.

There are tens of thousands of police interactions with the public every single day. From routine traffic stops to domestic disturbances. Bank robberies, drive by shootings, you name it. Most of them you never hear about, because to the officers involved it’s all routine. The few you do hear about are mostly negative. When a cop screws up, its big news. I get it, if it bleeds it leads. But when the only news you see is negative, and the cover it non-stop for days and days, it poisons the public sentiment towards the police department in general. And it’s complete BS.

I cannot possibly cover every time an officer goes above and beyond like this. Most of them will never make national headlines because that doesn’t fit the agenda of the major news outlets. But when I notice one I will comment on it.

Thank you Officer Mark Conklin.

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