Home Defend the Police The ACAB Nonsense

The ACAB Nonsense

by Galt Freeman

The phrase All Cops Are Bastards (also stylized as 1312) has been around for a while, but lately things have gone insane. Almost anytime you use the word “all” to describe something, you are wrong. It’s a pretty basic concept, one that even most liberal whack jobs should be able to understand. To be clear here; not all liberals are whack jobs. The “defund the police” and ACAB people are most definitely whack jobs, but let’s start by taking a closer look at the term itself.

If we take the phrase and replace a few words, we can easily see that the concept of using “all” or “every” is flawed when applied people in general. For instance:

  • All blacks are criminals
  • All whites are racist
  • All Hispanics are illegals
  • All used car salesmen are thieves
  • All Jews are greedy
  • All politicians are liars
  • All women are bad drivers
  • All blondes are dumb

Every single one of those examples is a prejudicial statement. Call it a stereotype if you wish; the fact is they are all wrong and using any of them as a political slogan is hypocritical at best. The Mirriam-Webster dictionary has the following as option 2C for the definition of the word prejudice:

“an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics”

The ACAB movement is doing exactly what they claim the police are doing; judging every cop based on the actions of a very few. And then they claim they are the enlightened or “woke” ones. That is one of the things that amazes me about these idiots. But just one.

Its the leadership of these groups that is the real problem. They are not really interested in what is best for their own people, but rather in whipping up a mob so they can take down ordered parts of society in order to rebuild it. To “fundamentally transform America” as Barack Obama put it. Transform it into a more socialistic/communistic form of society. They don’t even bother trying to hide it anymore. 

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