Home Armed Citizens Ow! Something Bit Me!

Ow! Something Bit Me!

by Galt Freeman

A Chicago man found himself in a bad situation last Saturday morning when out with two of his friends. Apparently he was out with some friends when they were approached by another man who hit two of his friends with a pistol and then fired a shot at him. Unknown to said criminal, this man was a concealed carry permit holder. Oops.

The concealed carry holder drew and fired, and in a true Forest Gump moment the offender was struck in the buttocks. Not the best shot in the world but we will take it, as it forced this idiot to go to the hospital where he was arrested. We will consider that a win in a city where crime is out of control and the mayor has no clue how to handle it. Liberals never do. They think nice words and fewer penalties will convince criminals not to commit crimes.

Now, this guy was shot in the ass. Whether he was hit from the side or from behind I do not know. And I really do not care. But I will say that in most cities in the US shooting a criminal that is running away from you is illegal. We can argue whether it should be or not all day long, but as of today that is the case. I would hate to see this man or anyone else charged with a crime for defending themselves and their friends, so be careful if you carry.

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