Home General No Members of Mensa in This Administration

No Members of Mensa in This Administration

by Galt Freeman

Kamala Harris posted on Twitter that it was “almost impossible” for people living in rural America to photo copy their ID for voting purposes. I will hardly be the first; and probably not the last, to excoriate this fool for that comment. But I also cannot just let this slide.

These elected morons in many ways have no idea how the real world works, and that goes for the elected morons on both sides of the aisle. I don’t have to sit here and point out the problems with that statement, thousands of people already have. What I will say is that this is not a one off statement. Especially when you take the comments of her entire party. Comments like that are exactly why I created this site in the first place. Things that make you say “wtf?”

Comments like this come out of liberal mouths so often its astounding. Everything from Kevin De Leon spouting about “30 magazine clips in half a second” to Pelosi’s comment about “Pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” and Bill Clinton’s “it depends what the meaning of the word “is’ is”.

We are not talking about simple slips of the tongue here. For example when Obama said he had visited 57 states. Conservatives everywhere jumped all over him for that and for the “export more jobs” comment. I personally gave him a pass. Those are both obvious misstatements and if you claim you have never made one then you are flat out lying. Biden has his share of gaffes as well, and I haven’t really seen one that set my radar off in a big way yet. He’s stupid enough I expect them.

What I am talking about is the comments that come from outright ignorance (De Leon) to flat out lies (AOC toilet water anyone?) and pure stupidity like the one from Harris. Why anyone thinks these people are qualified to clean a toilet, much less run a government is beyond me.

Sometimes you just gotta ask… wtf?

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