Last Sunday was the Pride March in New York City. NYC Pride, along with the organizers in several other cities, expressly stated that uniformed police officers were not welcome at the event. The hypocrisy of this is astounding. Are they not gay enough?
To be clear here, I am not gay. Nor am I a member of law enforcement. I do not attend these parade, or any parade. Labor Day parades, St patties Day Parades, you name a parade and you will not see me there. I have not attended a parade in 30+ years. But I would be damned if I sat there and let someone tell me I could or couldn’t because of my politics, or my skin tone, or my profession, or any other reason. And I wouldn’t like them telling you that either.
NYC Pride is more concerned with radicalizing their members on other issues, and not so concerned with things that actually impact the people in their community. Members of the NYPD had to sue to get the right to march in this parade back in 1996, when officers were allowed to match in every other parade. For the so-called leaders of the gay rights movement to try and silence them now speaks volumes about their motivations. They do not truly care about their own members.
Members of the gay community need to take back control of their own organizations. To remove the idiots at the top that are more interested in an anarchist agenda than they are in promoting gay rights. The NYC Pride website claims that they are working “toward a future without discrimination where all people have equal rights under the law.” But like every other militant left wing group what they mean is “as long as you think like we do on every single issue”. They want the appearance diversity but not the diversity of thought. Think like we do, or shut up.